2023-2024 Texas Regional Pathways Network Regional Convener - WDA 4
The Texas Regional Pathways Network (TRPN) builds regional talent pipelines that spur economic growth across the state and ensure that all Texans have the skills and credentials needed for economic advancement. The TRPN brings together state and regional leaders to build strong educational and career pathways that prepare Texans for careers in high-wage, in-demand industries. Leaders engaged in the TRPN represent multiple sectors, including K–12 education, postsecondary education, workforce and economic development, business and industry, government, and nonprofit and community-based organizations. FACT Education was proud to be awarded the 2023-2024 Tri-Agency Grant for Regional Conveners for Texas Workforce Development Area 4 - Workforce Solutions of North Central Texas.
Forney Independent School District’s Keith Bell Opportunity Central, or “The OC,” is a career and college campus that is expected to open in the Fall of 2023.
The OC is an imaginative, creative and one-of-a-kind idea that will transform the way schools and communities educate future generations. Part career and college center, multi-purpose complex, student-run business hub, fine arts spaces and so much more, it’s designed to create new opportunities for everyone in the Forney Family.

The Keith Bell Opportunity Central Cosmetology Program - Forney ISD
The Keith Bell Opportunity Central is part career and college center, multi-purpose complex, student-run business hub, fine arts spaces and so much more, it’s designed to create new opportunities for everyone in the Forney Family. FACT Education was thrilled to consult on the planning and implementation of the dual credit cosmetology program at this innovative new educational facility. Check out the gorgeous student salon in which students have the opportunity to earn a Texas Cosmetology Operator License in collaboration with Trinity Valley Community College.

Texas A&M University-Commerce
ACES: Attaining College Entrance & Success (US DOE REAP Grant)
Texas A&M University-Commerce received a 3-year, $1.23 million Rural Postsecondary and Economic Development (RPED) grant earmarked to benefit disadvantaged students by improving college enrollment rates, determination, and completion among rural students. The RPED grant program is designed to develop high-quality career paths that align with high-skill, high-wage, and in-demand industries and occupations in the region. FACT Education is thrilled to be involved in this project by devising a comprehensive online work-based learning curriculum for students, and through planning and orchestrating a week-long Summer Immersion program for the ACES Fellows.

Educator Professional Development & CTE Program Evaluations
FACT Education prioritizes the most important educational asset: teachers. Career and technical education teachers often face challenges in obtaining relevant professional development opportunities that align with the unique needs of their student population. Currently, FACT Ed hosts two annual conferences for personal care service educators (cosmetology, barbering, etc.), and frequently attends secondary and post-secondary advisory committee meetings.
Through our collaboration with Texas Barbering and Cosmetology Educators, we have devised a rigorous and relevant cosmetology and barbering distance learning program that has been implemented by a number of programs across the state.
WIRED Electrical Engineering Technology
TRPN Grant Project 21-22, 22-23
FACT Education has been proud to serve as a consultant and project manager for North Central Texas InterLink on the TRPN Grants for 2021-2022, and 2022-2023, for WIRED Electrical Engineering Technology. Regional electrical trades & engineering industry employer partners in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area have identified a high need for workers in several ELECTRIFYING career areas, including electricians and electrical engineering workers, to support demands for current and future jobs. This regional pathway will provide educational opportunities and work-based learning experiences for students with multiple entry and exit points. Students will be provided with the opportunity to earn certificates, participate in work-based learning experiences, and work towards an associate's degree or entrance to a bachelor's degree path at a 4-year university.
North Central Texas Regional Pathway for Engineering - Farmersville ISD
The North Central Texas Regional Pathway for Engineering (NCTxRPE) was developed in a collaborative effort between Farmersville, Bland, and Blue Ridge ISD. Funds awarded to Farmersville ISD as the fiscal agent of a Texas Education Agency - Texas Regional Pathways Network - Perkins Reserve Grant for 2021-2022, and 2022-2023 allowed all three schools to acquire supplies and materials needed to enhance STEM programming on their respective campuses. FACT Education, along with North Central Texas Interlink has been thrilled to work with the students in North Central Texas to connect with potential employers.